Steve Jobs has resigned from his position as CEO of Apple and Tim Cook, the so-called “operational genius” has taken the helm. Could this mean a change of plans for the iPhone 5 launch?
Recent reports have been claiming that Apple is envisioning the launch of a cheaper iPhone 4, right after the launch of the fifth version of the iPhone. This move is said to win new customers from emerging countries and also to rival with low-entry Android smartphones and handsets from Nokia.
Rumor has it that Apple’s Asian supply partners have begun manufacturing a lower version of the current iPhone 4. The “iPhone 4S” could have only 8GB and it could be also made from cheaper materials and even sport downgraded specs, which would make the production cycle much easier for Apple.
Apple partner with some of the biggest carriers in the world, China Mobile and China Telecom to take by assault the enticing Chinese market. If this move will prove out to be successful, Apple will have improved its brand and also strengthened its position in the Asian market.
“A lower-priced version of iPhone 4 seems to be a necessary evil at this point in the iPhone adoption cycle, especially in emerging markets where the average income of individuals is much lower,” said Channing Smith, co-manager of the Capital Advisors Growth Fund.
It could be a wise move by Apple to release both the iPhone 5, which could be regarded as their “premium” iPhone and a cheaper version, be it iPhone 4 or maybe a totally different model. It could be Apple’s sword with two sharp blades which they could use to resist from the Android threat and maybe the WP7 which could take the mobile market by surprise.